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Showing posts from December, 2016

Got Help

500 mg Augmentan  (antibiotic) and 100mg Diflucan (for yeast). This is for 2 weeks then back to the Zithromax. 1.5mg melatonin, fish oil, probiotics (minelinx) and magnesium with B6 I took Ewen to see Dr. W today and she examined him and saw his decline. She changed his antibiotics for 2 weeks and put him on diflucan since he is craving sugar like a maniac. Last night I was really down, then at 5am, our cat who had disappeared two weeks before, was on our bed. We were overjoyed to have her back and she was so skinny and dehydrated. She drank for ages, then ate for a long time, then drank for a long time again. She is less than 9lbs now the poor little thing. She is doing very well tonight after eating pretty much all day long and drinking and sleeping all day. She is getting her mew back and is being so affectionate and happy. So that helped make the despair dissipate a little. So Ewen went to sleep a little more easily tonight and said he did want the melatonin but not the...

Sick Again

It's happening again. It started a few weeks back and we increased the frequency of the dosage.  Then he got food poisoning 2 weeks ago and went to the ER vomiting blood. He was treated and out the next morning and bounced back quickly and it seemed to even help his PANS. But then it seemed to come back worse and 3 days ago he asked for his clonidine again. He's had it every night and tonight he wanted to take it earlier than our usual medication time, because he wanted something for his anxiety. He told me that trash was bothering him too and told him that his night light might short out and cause a fire. He was so brave when he was vomiting. You wouldn't believe it. But his mental anguish from PANS is worse to him than vomiting blood. I don't think that doctors realize that. Here is this joyful amazing  and brilliant child and he gets tormented by his own brilliant amazing brain. I wish I could just take it form him and bare it myself. I would do anything to eas...