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Showing posts from March, 2017

Spring Break 2017 Update

4ml Prozac, 500mg Zithromax 3x a week, 1.5 mg melatonin, less than a quarter of Clonidine Ewen is doing well. Right now he is vacuuming and mopping the whole house (all 850 square fee lol) To earn an hour of screen time playing Overwatch. We have had a few hiccups. He got in major trouble in school for hacking into the computer and writing silly things on a class web page. He said he didn't realize he would get a referral and get in so much trouble since he wasn't hurting anyone and would never bully. He also dropped his grades because he was too busy having fun with his friends. So Mike and I had a meeting with his teachers. He now has a 504 plan since he has had lots of absences.  We are paying close attention so that we can make sure he completes his assignments. Last month he was having trouble with tics (mostly huffing) and anxiety and so his pediatrician put his Zithromax up to 500 mg every day for a full week. That completely helped and was amazing to get him back...