(1000mg b12 dissolve tablets from Trader Joes, 4ml liquid prozac, 1mg melatonin) Today was so hectic I wasn't very good about giving Ewen all his stuff...fish oil, probiotics, magnesium etc. But he went to sleep fairly well with no fuss and not even really any huffing. He never swishes saliva anymore when he goes to sleep thank goodness. He seems to be doing OK, a little bit dissatisfied with "boring" things and wanting lots of breaks (he didn't go to band camp today). But he is in a good place I think. Sunday he will start his once a week....500 mg zithromax. I have been tired...Prozac makes me very tired and I haven't been very good at getting up in the morning...I half love lounging for hours and half hate it. But something that I did today which was new, was float on my back, by myself in my parent's pool and look up at the sky and the trees. The sky was so blue and the very tall tree branches were swaying in the breeze and the green was as saturate...
What do you do when your brilliant, confident, happy 10-year-old suddenly plunges into a frightening downward spiral of debilitating panic attacks? This blog is a mother's journey about a family working it's way back from a crisis, to some kind of happy normalcy.