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Monday, June 6th

4ml prozac, 1/2 magnesium, probiotics, advil for his sore throat but his huffing completely stopped after the advil.

There is a tropical storm moving through and I didn't buy bottled water at the grocery store today because heck, it wasn't a hurricane or anything. But now our tap water is brown so we are drinking the water that I filled the Brita Filter with earlier today and no one had baths tonight. It is raining and raining in torrents. We had to move the cars because the street is flooded.

My youngest is still in school since she goes to a public school. Thursday is her last day and I am hanging on by my fingernails till then. Oh to be able to all sleep in for a few mornings. That will be so deluxe. If it is raining like this tomorrow morning it will be oh so hard to get out of bed. But her class is having a smoothie party tomorrow so we can't be late for that!!

The house is a mess because I have to finish a video and I am so uninspired by it that it is dragging out. I tell myself I can't clean the house until I finish try and inspire me to hurry up so we can get our lives back in order. But now I'm wondering if I should take tomorrow to clean the house and then maybe I will be more inspired to finish the boring video.

Our laundry is outside in the shed so if it is still raining like this tomorrow, nothing is getting done.

I worry about trees falling down when it rains like this non stop so that the ground is soggy down to the roots.

So Ewen is doing well. He made the Gold travel team for next season and actually WANTS to do it, even though Mike and I told him numerous times that he doesn't have to do it this next season and he can take a break. He still isn't in perfect shape and is still sometimes dissatisfied and almost a bit disoriented. But he is managing OK and laughs and has fun often. He said he hasn't been anxious in a very long time. He sleeps in in the mornings like he never used to and I'm sure that is the Prozac, because now that I have also been taking Prozac for a few weeks, it is agonizing for me to get out of bed too, even with 8 hours of sleep. He can't get out with 10 hours of sleep. He was going a little nuts with this storm today since I wouldn't take him to get some more Magic cards.  There was no way I was driving all over town in this mess and our friends texted that they had trees down in their neighborhood.

I though it was interesting that Ewen seemed much better and much more calm after taking and Advil tonight when his throat was bothering him.


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