(7:45am probiotics, 4pm 4ml Prozac, 1 Zithromax, 8pm Clonodine-a very tiny 1/4, and probiotics) This morning we left the house early so we could go to Starbucks and get some hot chocolate before school. Ewen's carpool buddy liked that too. Ewen was in good spirits, then when we got to school I walked in the classroom with him to help him carry his stuff. One of his classmates said, "Ewen, do you have your book report?" Ewen: "When is is due?" Classmate: "Today!" So I went to his teacher and apologized that he hadn't done his book report and that he would do it this weekend. I thought about how we have a wedding all day on Saturday and he has an out of town game on Saturday, then another out of town game on Sunday. But I told her we would get it done. She said he could turn it in next Friday. He will have to get up in front of the class and present it so it is a big deal book report. He has been so spacy, filled with procrastination and avoi...
What do you do when your brilliant, confident, happy 10-year-old suddenly plunges into a frightening downward spiral of debilitating panic attacks? This blog is a mother's journey about a family working it's way back from a crisis, to some kind of happy normalcy.