Today we went to finish Ewen's CBT intake appt. It takes about 20 minutes to drive out there and I made sure to not arrive too early as Ewen is very squirmy and uncomfortable in the waiting room. As we were chatting with the very young counselor in the closet-sized, windowless therapy room, I started to realize that although Ewen has these weird fears, that his main problem is that he has a new hyper-sensitivity / sensory integration problem, that makes things uncomfortable for him, which is one reason he hates water now. I think that the best treatment for his new sensory issues was definitely the acupuncture. I wish I could get him to go back but there is no use in bringing it up. He has already emphatically shot down all of my attempts to figure out a way to go back...even to just go and talk to her.
I have been searching online about Prozac to see if and when it will start working. It seems the absolute earliest would be after 3 weeks, but more likely after 4 and most likely 6-8 weeks. I probably am not giving him high enough doses (only 2.5 ML's or, 1/2 a mg) to get his body to change around the chemical components like it needs to for it to work after 3 or 4. But since he is so sensitive and since the whole suicide crap is within the first few weeks of starting a new SSRI, and because of his hives, I am going to keep giving him tiny doses for now...slow and low.
This morning at CBT therapy he had a couple of hives on his face and he looked terrible. He just looks ill when he has hives and he was sprawling out on the couch and wiggling around like a worm the whole time he was being asked questions by the therapist, Katie. Normally I would have told him to stop but nothing is normal now. He may wiggle like a worm if he wants. She didn't seem to be affected at all by it.
We stopped by Subway on the way home, then at home he sat at the table and chewed up his food then spit it out in the garbage can before swallowing it because he said his throat was too tight to swallow. So I told him to go to his room and relax, I gave him his 1/2 propranolol and 2 scoops of inositol and figured I would try the food thing again later since he often does better an hour or so after taking the propranolol and inositol.
We then got a little stroppy with each other because I was worried about him not eating any lunch. I lost my cool a little (bad idea) and he got upset with me for not "understanding" how difficult it was for him. He yelled "How many problems do you have?" (Oh child if only you knew). I hugged him and said, "Your problems are my problems too". That annoyed him of course, then he suggested a bike ride which I really didn't want to go on but I knew that it was a good idea for both of us really. It had stopped raining, the sun was shining, so we got our bikes and helmets and went for a lovely ride around the historic neighborhood nearby our not-as-lovely neighborhood. We stopped at the park in the middle and went on the swings for a while. They have two swings with hard seats so adults can swing too without getting painfully bum-squeezed.
Then we rode home and looked at all the beautiful old houses and historic mansions. It was really nice and he wasn't spitting the whole time or anything and didn't seem too anxious. It made me want to just ride bikes all day long from now on.
Back at home we managed to do some online school work. We read some Science Weekly Readers and did some quizzes. Then he did some Khan Academy math while I did some of my video editing work.
Now he is taking an Agario break in his room.
He told the therapist today that his isn't able to read books anymore for pleasure because he can't pay attention anymore. It make me wonder again about the Intuiv ADHD med that the other doctor said that he wanted to give Ewen. I hoped again that my decision to change to a different doctor and on taking his advised Prozac course, was the right one.
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