(4pm 4ml prozac, 9:30pm probiotics, 1/4 of a 3mg melatonin) Didn't take zithromax today because didn't have it and didn't want to give it late at night incase it hurt his stomach to do that. Mike showed me this article he found and I wish I would have read it in the beginning when all of this started: https://iocdf.org.pandas/ It validates everything and I can't believe it is taking the medical community so long to catch on. The neurologist we went to see was skeptical and one of those doctors that isn't interested in something new...just wants to go by the book and explain it with answers already in his playbook, even if they only cover up the problem instead of going to the root of it. I wasn't impressed. The innovators are the doctors who read and learn and discover the most up to date issues and treatments. I can't believe a top neurologist was so unversed about PANS. He kept calling it PANDAS too and I had to correct him numerous times that it wa...
What do you do when your brilliant, confident, happy 10-year-old suddenly plunges into a frightening downward spiral of debilitating panic attacks? This blog is a mother's journey about a family working it's way back from a crisis, to some kind of happy normalcy.