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Sunday Night, May 15th Day 20 of Zithromax

(Morning probiotics, 4ml Prozac at 4pm, 250mg Zithromax at 4pm, 1/8 Clonodine and more probiotics at 8:30pm, 1/2 magnesium 8:30pm)

It has been a strange few days. For a wile there after Ewen started taking the antibiotics I thought he was cured. But over the past few days he seemed to become dissatisfied and antsy again, using screens to  escape and rocking back and forth on chairs. Tonight he was grumpy and wanted to be on his computer all day. We packed up our dinner in a picnic basket at ignoring his protests, the 5 of us went to the park nearby our house. We had dinner on the picnic blanket and he perked up a lot. Then some of our friends came to join us...something we kept a secret because I knew he would protest about it. But when they arrived he was happy to see his friend, Kevin. They have been friends for years but Ewen is very picky about his time with Kevin as he can be "annoying". But they had a fantastic time together, playing soccer and running around the park.

When we got home he seemed calmer and happier and when he went to bed to fall asleep he huffed once...just once. He kicked and flexed his foot once...and he wasn't swishing saliva in his mouth for the first time since this all happened. So even though his mood and jitteriness seems to be coming and going, his tics consistently seem to be getting better.

Tonight he finished his 20 days of 250mg Zithromax every day and now he will take 500mg once a week starting next Sunday.

I just want his joy to stick around. Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong?


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