Today Ewen had a good day but his tics were back again this evening now that the Guanfacine has worn off completely. So we gave him 1/4 of it at 8:30pm. I hope he sleeps ok tonight and we will see how it goes. I am hoping that he sleeps well and that the depressive effects wear off by the morning but the suppression of tics stays in his system throughout the day? If he wakes up miserable then we will probably just stop the Guanfacine for good.
Ms. ....... Thank you very much for bringing your son’s case and experience to our attention. First of all, I hope that Owen is still doing much better. I absolutely understand how devastating this could be in terms of a missed opportunity to appropriately diagnose. I have to say that in reading your email and updating my knowledge about the condition, I could see how it may be quite difficult to make a diagnosis accurately in an Emergency Department setting and I could see why things occurred in the manner in which they did. That said, I am very sorry that we let you and your family and your son down in this way. Our Pediatric Emergency Department are staffed by a group of very expert pediatric emergency medicine specialists trained in some of our nation’s leading teaching institutions who I was able to recruit here to ........... to take care of our community. I know that the fact that we were not able to expeditiously diagnose your son’s condition caused a great deal o...
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