This is getting to be hard. Today at CBT he was wiggling all around, sliding all over the couch and flopping his head on to the floor. He was very uncomfortable and I wondered if it was a side effect of the Prozac that his legs are so restless. The therapist said it was anxiety and she said he had to sit up and keep his legs still for the rest of the session. He tried and he started to cry he was so uncomfortable. It made me cry too. It felt wrong and weird and I was trying so hard to trust this young therapist. Finally he curled up in a ball and said I'm DONE. And I rubbed his back. She said that he was going to do it tomorrow for timed increments. I talked to DH about it tonight and he said that if it was from anxiety that we would se it when he did other things that made him anxious, and he agreed that it was likely to be a side effect from the Prozac. Either way, forcing him to be still when he had energy to get out looked like torture to me and it felt wrong.
I took him to accupuncture this afternoon at 4pm and he wiggled all over the table and she said that was fine and that he was getting his energy out in a very healthy way. She said that he has all this inside of him and movement helps to disperse the anxiety. DH is taking Ewen to CBT tomorrow. I'll have him talk to the therapist about it.
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