I'm still really confused about where we are. I know that Ewen's anxiety seems to be lower but he is still not comfortable in his own skin. He can't sit on the couch without doing a forward roll or winding his limbs into some sort of a pretzel and making squawking noises. He is very focussed on what he wants to do and it seems like his number one priority is to make sure that he is doing something where he feels comfortable and mentally stimulated. I can't tell if the Prozac is making him antsy and uncomfortable or if he would be that way anyway without it. I remember when we started taking it I was so ready for some help. We haven't come to the 4 week mark yet but it confused me when his Dr. said that he Prozac hould start helping after a couple of weeks. Before him, the other doctors said up to 5 weeks when he tried Lexapro, and that is what I have read online about SSRI's too. So I'm wondering if our wonderful doctor is not so so wonderful. Or maybe the Prozac isn't right for him...or should we wait for 6 weeks to see if it starts working? I read online that it can take 16 weeks. That seems a bit outrageous to me.
My biggest worry is that he can't sit still at all. I don't know how I can take him back to school if he has to do back bends when he sits down and is not in front of a video game. I don't understand what is happening to my son. It reminds me a bit of when his older sister regressed into Autism at age 2. She just changed from happy healthy and engaged to her own world and agitated. Now here we are with Ewen at 10, changed into someone with major ADD symptoms.
We are supposed to go to a Super Bowl party today at our friends house and he has started protesting already.
Now for the good side of it all. He woke up this morning in a good mood and has been relatively happy all day. He has been talking to his sisters and been nice to them. The bad part is the huffing and the saliva smacking in his mouth that happens when he is not looking at a screen. He has fought to look at screens all day today and DH finally got him out onto he street to play soccer for a bit. He was originally going to play a tournament game in Jacksonville today but that was cancelled due to rain.
Bye for now.
Update: He did very well at the Super Bowl party. He played darts with the boys and ate the nice spread. When I asked him if he was "bananas" which is our code word for anxious, he said, "no." So we were able to stay for a nice amount of time and have fun. When I asked him that night if he had fun at the party he said no. But I saw him doing fine and that was good. One day in the future he will actually tell me he enjoyed something social again.
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